Physically we are all composed of flesh, blood, and bone. Our “parts” are arranged to work together to sustain life. Beside our basic need to survive, our arrangement also identifies who we are with recognizable physical characteristics. In this way we are determined by our arrangement.
Beyond the physical, we are also comprised of experiences, memories, and dreams. Our spiritual form is determined by the arrangement of these more abstract parts. We become what we have lived and we gain new understanding through these experiences.
My artwork is configured through the mixture of both the representations of the flesh, which determine our form, and the experiences that create who we are. The structures within my work have both physical as well as symbolic meaning. Many of the anatomical illustrations represent people or experiences within my life that have helped me to form who I have become. I hope by viewing these pieces you are able to relate them to experiences you have had and reflect on your own physical and spiritual configuration.